Prayer Request

I have been told that a person can be saved at home so i have told my childern that and two of them have prayed and asked god to sabe them here at my house please someone tell me is that right are they saved or do they have to be in church or have a pastor around to save them

by Amyann

Pray Pray

2 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Guide them to study the Bible and pray every day. You get saved once you accept Jesus as your saviour no matter where you are.

Anonymous | on Aug 09, 2011

Thank you so much it has been on my heart all day and i just had to make sure i want nothing more for them than just to follow God

Amyann | on Aug 09, 2011

Just as u r, just where u r, he save people n jail, n hospital, n e where, I'm glad about

grateful*n*ohio | on Aug 09, 2011

You have done the right thing. As my fellow bretheren have said, pray and study the bible with them. It also seems as if you have other children that didn't pray with the 2. If that's the case, pray for them and have the two pray for the rest as well. Teach them that salvation is a gift and that being saved is not something that makes you better than someone else. I say this because in our generation, many people are forgetting that the love and forgiveness of Christ is for all and we have done nothing to earn it. May God bless you, your children, and may God use them mightily to reach this generation. May He use them to shame the wise and rebuke the proud. "Instruct a child in the ways of the Lord and when they grow old they will never depart from Him."

God Sows | on Aug 09, 2011

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