Prayer Request

Dear Lord, I am in need of your gudiance. The job I was promised is no longer going to be filled due to cut backs. I am really upset about this as it was such perfect timing. I really need a job and I pray that I am able to find something soon. Please be with all of us in our time if need. In your name I pray. Amen

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Am praying hard for you cause we all are having some difficulties with this recession. My husband lost his job in Greensburg,In 2-1/2 yrs ago after being there for over 5 yrs. They let a whole pay tier of people go and 1 wks later hired new young people with no previous skills. Oh well. We survived. But, its been a long hard road. Where do you live? Are there alot of factories? What are your skills or what's your passion to do in a job? I hope and pray that God has a better job and plan for you! Hang in there and let us know when you get it, ok? Much love and good wishes! CSG

I Believe | on Aug 07, 2011

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