Prayer Request

Dear Lord I don't always think I deserve to pray too you. I've wanted too kill myself so many times this year and I almost did the one night but I got in a car accident before I went home. I stopped talking too you but I use to cut myself and I landed in the hospital and the Dr showed me the way back to you. He didnt make me pay to fix my arm! Thank you Lord for showing me an earth angel. I miss my dad who is with you, i miss so many people that was in my life that is with you.. I stoped studying, and I thought it would make me happier but it hasn't. So many people think bad things of me and I am not perfect but I have changed but no ones seen it!I am really lonely... I wish I could do my whole life over! Honestly I dont know why I am praying? I love you, I know you're there! I just wish everything was different! But thank you for the good moments in between! For the warm days with friends and days where it feels like there is hope and everything is going to change! I am praying I geuss because it is all I can do and I feel like I need a little guidance, hope, love and happiness... But it's okay if I don't get it, look after my friends and family and keep them safe please. Amen

by lostsoul

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Jesus loves you - don't worry it will be ok - your prayer is heard.

Anonymous | on Jul 31, 2011

I am grateful that you shared your prayer with us and I Appreciate your honesty.

You are blessed and God has a plan for you. He will answer your prayers according to His Will for you. I am glad you are alive today to share with us the blessing of how the Doctor fixed your arm but didn't charge you. What a blessing! You are praying because you have a least a seed of faith. Call on Jesus, pray and keep faith because God wants to bless you abundantly. You are in my prayers. God bless you!

Anonymous | on Jul 31, 2011

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