Prayer Request

Lord first and foremost thank u for being a merciful God to your people. Day in and day out we sin against u and the heavens, sometimes not realizing it. Please forgive me for my sins that I knowingly and unknowingly committed this day. Help me open my spiritual eyes more and fine tune my ears to your voice. I ask that u cut all ties and break all chains the enemy tries to hold me down with and I bind all that is not of u back into the pits of hell. I anoint myself from head to toe and shield myself with your armor. I silence the enemy and close all doors he and his demons try to enter thru and seal them in ur blood. all over the world, For all of my brothers and sisters in Christ I ask these things as well. Bless our families, friends, coworkers, classmates, aquaintances, and especially our enemies. Let ur will be done in all of our lives, even if its not always pleasing to us, for u alone will give us the strength to continue on. In ur holy name lord Jesus I pray, amen.

by beloved

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