Prayer Request

Dear Lord, I really don't know what I ought to say before You. Even before I pray you know what I need, but I constantly doubt You Lord. I'm unsure that You'd really answer, and I can't seem to overcome the mistakes of my past. I also don't know if I can measure up and be good enough to enter into Your good and perfect plan for me. I don't know how Your love is really like, I'm too much off a fundie to really know, but I'm afraid too. As much as I long for Your love I'm afraid it's probably not real. I don't even know what to do. Lord, I really do need your direction for my life. And I do really need a job too, where is it that I many serve you? Please be real to me Lord, if not I'll really not be able to make it. Thank you for listening.

by wshyang

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