Prayer Request

Thank u for always keeping me and my family guide us everyday...every step we take...
Please help us to stay motivated and positive. I pray this new year will bring us much joy and love...i know i have my new years resolutions to work on..please show me and guide me the way..i am lost and my judgements are unclear...please help me become what i was born to do ...what you wish for me to acheive in this lifetime...i want to accomplish much more this year then the last few years of struggles...i only have faith in ur plans set for me and also my family...lead me to the right direction...thank you father...may this world of corruption and hate be filled with ur love and ur stregnth us heal the poor and live with a humble..kind heart. I pray in your awesome name...amen

by Laura

Pray Pray

9 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Thankyou for that prayer your words were right on time for a blessed and prosperous new year I'll continue to pray for you and others God Bless.

c[email hidden from spammers] | on Jan 01, 2010

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