Prayer Request

God help me get through this. My just moved an I hate it. I hate everything about it, but my I don't want to hurt my dads feelings. My real mom and dad are divorced and just recently my mom dropped all legal rights to me and hasn't contacted me since. Why doesn't she love me? Was I not good enough for her? I'm 15 and lost everything but my dad, brother, and faith. I need your guidance please.

by Anonymous

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15 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I pray for your situation. Don't give up hope. Find a local youth group in your area. There are sure to b others in ur same situation. I lead a group for people trying to find freedom from past experiences and the best way I have found is to talk it out and God will guide you! Don't lose faith. Your father in heaven will always b there for u! ;)

love to worship | on Apr 28, 2011

My parents are divorced too. It happened when I was 21 and in the navy. I came as a total shock since they never fought. It has been a few years now. My mother is now she remarried and happier now than I could ever remember. My father just went. IDK how to say it but crazy. You did nothing wrong. And there is nothing you could have done to prevent it. Just remember your not alone. And any help you need will be there for you. You just need to ask.

Ian | on Apr 28, 2011

HON, there's alot that goes on in a marriage, that a mom and dad don't tell their kids. Its nothing like your fault...stuff just happens and a divorce is the outcome when their "issues" don't get resolved. Your parents are Both probably mentally devastated and it might take a while for your mom to come to terms with herself. She might have to work it all through emotionally before she can face you again. Her problems might run deeper and you might never know the full story unless your dad tells you. To me, it sounds Luke you need to sit down with your dad and tell him how you feel. And why. Ask him why your mother signed over full custodial rights. Sometimes all it amounts to is because of no job, or money or insurances or just that's the way they wanted to do it because they wanted what would benefit the children (because of schools, insurances,homes, etc).
Regardless, your mother gave you birth and for 15years she has loved you and she will continue to love you. Never doubt that. I suspect your father will know, But you have to sit down and have that talk. GODSPEED. Let us know how it works out for you.and remember you have a brother to love extra hard, because, he might be hurting too. CAROL SUE

I Believe | on Apr 28, 2011

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