Prayer Request

Dear God,

Please makd me a better person. I want to like myself and feel worthy of loving myself the way you love me. I want to serve you in all I do. Pleasd help bring me the peace and contentment that I desire. I see thag life is way too precious to waste on worrying and chasing after things that do not matter.
I begged you for this but I do not want it anymore. Fill my life with things that matter. If it is not your will for me to be in school then let me follow you away with no regrets. Please remove those things that destroy my faith in you with worry. I know you will always take care of me.
After having such a stressful day at work I ask that you please place me in a position that I can succeed through hou. Lord, I am not clinical. I cannot separate the patient from the disease or treatment. I do not think I am doing your work here. Please guide me. I know there are people in this world with far greater need. I ask thag you meet these needs, just please hear my cries, too.

I love you, Lord.

by Terri

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