Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,
I am praying to you with all my heart and soul, for my son. He needs you more than ever right now. If he is speaking from his heart then please let the court have mercy on him tomorrow. I pray that he has learned a valuable lesson. I pray that he will continue to seek you. Please Heavenly Father hear my prayer. I know you know first hand the pain when your child is hurting. Thank you so much for giving your son to die for our sins. I prayer to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I Agree with you! that GOD will let you son be ok in JESUS name. I ask GOD to work with the MIND of who ever he go before in Court. I Pray GOD will be in the mist of it all.
May GOD Blessing be with you, your son and your Family
Amen! Brenda

Anonymous | on Apr 21, 2011

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