Prayer Request

Dear God
I thank you and bless your name because you are always faithful to me , thank you for all you have done in my life and yet what you are about to do you are a miracle God , I can't return to you
Anything than saying thank you Lord continue to bless me abundantly , hold me and never let me go or fall , 2009 was the best year in my life you showed me love and brought joy. My life is completely new I can't thank you enough Lord , bless the husband you have given me , He is the Perfect man Guide me oh Lord to love him and respect him unconditional , bless my New family to have peace , love and understanding , let your love be with us always so that we may know you much better , help us in 2010 to be our year of love , peace , understanding , success and money , I belive in miracles because you showed them to me , I know you will still be with me all the coming year through , help me to finish my masters well and pass well in february 2010, guide us when we travell to Africa in February 2010, help me to get a good job and be satsfied with it after finishing my masters , help us to get a good apartment soon , and help us to turn to you because you are a living God , bless my husband , give him more love and peace and good health bless us Lord , bless my mother give her peace in her life give her good health and help her in her job , bless my father and all my relatives give all of them peace and love and wisdom . Bless us oh Lord in 2010
In your name i pray . I Love you Lord

by Ester

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