Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father: I pray to day that I am not pregnant. We are not ready to bring a child into this world. With the economic problems. The fact that we are living 400 mrs apart for work and school, choices we had to make fir ourselves. A pray in the name of Jesus that a child is NOT your lifes plan for me. I am 41 and I pray that is not what your plan is. I pray in the name of Jesus Amen.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

I prayed this same prayer a year and six months ago. God showed me that the baby was apart of his plan not mine. I have a son now. I thank God, because he promised me I would have everything I needed for the baby and my family. He did it! Hallelujah! God is good! This baby was a gift! I will pray for you! Read Abraham's wife.

Anonymous | on Dec 26, 2009

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