Prayer Request

Lord, I've done all I could to get here i feel am losing it all, I dont know the fake ones when i see them, i luv whole heartly but get heart broken in return, teach me your ways....

by Beautiful Heart

Pray Pray

16 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Hello beautiful,

The spirit of discernment and wisdom to recognize those who are food for you and bad for is what you can pray for, you can find out more about this wisdom int he book of proverbs, and also more about discernment in 2 corinthians 12. It explains all about spiritual gifts that will enable you to grow beyond belief. However the love that you have for ppl is not a bad thing. Alllll people weather they are hurtful or good are drawn to true love, the difference is those who are fake and cold hearted and hurt you don't know how to recive it. They want your love, but they don't know how to recive it... you have to put on your strength and love them inspite there ways, just like jesus does for us... this bis the example of christ. I hope this is no offense to you, anfd I pray that you are strengthend and empowered. God be with you and keep your mind at peace. Good night. :)

Terri | on Dec 23, 2009

Thanks! Am not offended at list u could read just in a please were I hardly trust due to what happened to me....that's why I Need God to teach me his way! Thanks

Beautiful Heart | on Dec 23, 2009

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