Prayer Request
Lord I just pray for my non Christian friends during these high school years because I know that for so many of them who have fallen away from u or never known you, it is extremely easy for them to get sucked in to drugs, sex, and alcohol. I would pray that you would use me to be a light in their world so that icould able them they don't needthese thingsand you bring enough fullfillment to cover up the want for these things. Thank you for helping me resist the temptation as well.
by linds Pray 10 people prayed for this
Comments on this Prayer
Its amazing how our generation has been consumed by sin. Our generation is a powerful one, that's why the enemy is working so hard to destroy it. Keep your head up and dont let your light dim! You aren't the only one still fighting!
Prada | on Dec 21, 2009
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