Prayer Request

Dear Lord, please guide me in delivering quality patient care. Provide me with adequate strength to do my task and equip me with critical thinking for me to become a more efficient nurse. I fervently hope that I will provide my patients the care they deserve and touch their lives in my own simple way with great compassion and understanding. Amen.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

9 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I wanted to say thank you for asking the Lord to help you become a better nurse. I recently gave birth to my second daughter at the end of November and I was blessed to have amazing, caring grate nurses at the hospital. It made
my stat there very nice experience.
May the Lord continue to bless you, bestow upon u many graces.

Mari | on Jan 18, 2011


IN GODS HANDS | on Jan 18, 2011

I was in the Er today and the nurse there helped calm me down and really touched my life in a special way even tho I only saw her for like 10 mins. Lol but thank you for wanting the lord to help you help others we need people who care in this world. God bless

Anonymous | on Jan 18, 2011

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