Prayer Request

God, Ive been struggling with masterbation for 5 years now. It seems like no matter what I do, I just can't break free from this addiction. I'm a 16 year old girl, and it's unusual for a girl to struggle with this sort of problem, bur I do. It's ruining my relationship with grant, and all it does is make me feel like crap. Recently, I went 15 days without doing it...and that was the longest I have ever gone without doing it in the past 5 years. Please God, give me the strength to do this. It's really hard for me to know that I will soon be sharing my most deepest darkest secret with thousands of Christians, but God, you tell us to not be silent about what were struggling with, and to allow our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to uplift us in prayer. I need all the prayer in the world right now, God. Masterbation is like a drug. When you do it, it sends a sort of chemical to your brain, and soon your brain craves it every single day. God get me through this. I can do this. I no longer will be held down by masterbation. I AM STRONGER THAN MY OWN ADDICTION. Amen. <><

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

20 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I pray to lord Jesus to heal her from uncleanliness and immoral self satisfaction. Lord I pray that you will touch her thoughts and make her not think of unworthy things like this. Give her something else to do rather and purify her mind.
Make her read the bible instead of following her own desires.

 | on Jan 17, 2011

Thank you so much, everyone who has prayed for me. You have no idea how much this means to me.

Abigail | on Jan 18, 2011

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