Prayer Request

God please guide me and give me strength to keep moving on with my life. Let me learn from my mistakes and allow me to help others who may be struggling in the same ways I have done in the past.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Learning from ones mistakes is a science I have yet to master. I have been praying and praying and finally got a very good job going and not even a week into having the job got released for having a diluted urine test. This through me back into thinking "Why pray, why care, God certainly doesn't or why would he do this to me" this whole time instead of just staying positive and having faith that things will work out. I started to doubt and question and it started such a vicious cycle. God Bless I hope your life is everything you want it to be.

Faith-in-Faith | on Dec 15, 2009

Learning from ones mistakes is a science I have yet to master. I have been praying and praying and finally got a very good job going and not even a week into having the job got released for having a diluted urine test. This through me back into thinking "Why pray, why care, God certainly doesn't or why would he do this to me" this whole time instead of just staying positive and having faith that things will work out. I started to doubt and question and it started such a vicious cycle. God Bless I hope your life is everything you want it to be.

Faith-in-Faith | on Dec 15, 2009

Learning from ones mistakes is a science I have yet to master. I have been praying and praying and finally got a very good job going and not even a week into having the job got released for having a diluted urine test. This through me back into thinking "Why pray, why care, God certainly doesn't or why would he do this to me" this whole time instead of just staying positive and having faith that things will work out. I started to doubt and question and it started such a vicious cycle. God Bless I hope your life is everything you want it to be.

Faith-in-Faith | on Dec 15, 2009

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