Prayer Request

God I'm starting to get really worried and stressed out, I miss my cat she has been gone for almost 2 weeks and my fiance doesn't seem to care and I've got all these things I need to do like find a new doctor and its really hard to not think about where she is. Lord please help me Amen

by Autumn

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Look all over the neighborhood, if they're garages to be gotten into, they will find it. Ask @ in the nearby stores. Put up posters with your address and Ph #. I had a cat once that was gone for 6 wks and one day on the way to work I saw him on the side of the road 5 miles from our home. I pulled over and called to him and he came running to me and jumped up in my arms. AND he had Tears IN his eyes and was purring and head-butted me. I called in sick and took him back home. He never left our yard after that. Oh ...Go to the local animal shelter ( in person) and ask to look at all the brought in cats AND have them check their books/records too. And call all the vets and ask if anyone has brought in a cat like yours from date to date or called saying they took one in.Leave your name and number at both places. I hate to tell you this...but if your man is acting like it doesn't" bother him now....well, it ain't gonna change After marriage, except maybe to get worse...especially if he doesn't like animals as much as you do or at all. Trust me on this; Ive been married 35 years and I am passionate about animals...ESP cats. If they come to my door, I feed them as long as they need it and I leave the garage door open for them and make a warm bed for them. He is never cruel or mean to them. Now, after 35 yrs...he just gives up..cause he knows It is my nature to help. But...go into marriage knowing you are more loving to cats or animals than he is. Be honest with him and talk about it. Its better to know if theres gonna be a problem. Pray.Pray.PRAY. I hope you find your baby. Let us know.

Indygirl | on Dec 07, 2010

Im wishing u luck finding ur cat too. I have 2 cats too and their my babies so I know how u must feel. Good luck and keep us updated.

Sarah A | on Dec 07, 2010

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