Prayer Request

Father I humbly ask that you would open blind eyes and hard hearts. I pray that we would love one another, not be stumbling blocks to each other. Help us pray for one another and not seek our own interests, but the interests of others. Sanctify us dear God, that we'd walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the **** of the flesh, bear one anothers burdens and fulfill the law of Christ. Oh that we might have hearts to fear you Almighty God,love you, keep your commands always ahbor that which is evil an cleave to that which is good. Father I pray we'd not grieve your Spirit, neither quench your Spirit, but rather be filled with the Spirit. May we prosper in all things be in health even as our souls would prosper, to walk not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the path of sinners, neither sit in the seat of the scornful. But rather delight in the law of the Lord, to meditate upon your word always. To aquaint ourselves with you FatherGod, be at peace thereby good would come upon us. In the name of Christ. Amen...

by daddywith14kids

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