Prayer Request

God its time for me to dream. As i dream i ask that you come and reveal the next steps you want me to take. I also ask you a question that needs a solution : is it wrong for me to want to get close to you to receive blessings??? I dont feel its wrong. I want to be close to you for a healthy, Godly relationship so when the day comes for you to call me up, i know i have a spot at your table and thats a blessing. Well there, it seems ive answered my question without sleep! Thank u God for my ability to absorb your wisdom, power and understanding. I love you so much! Please God surround our world with your love so blessings can pour. I look to what tomorrow brings. Amen

by God'sLove

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Sure it's fine, I mean unless you ask for blessing of this world which are materialistic wants. But you seeking God's saviour is surely fine..

iloveJesus! | on Oct 18, 2010

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