Prayer Request

Dear Lord,
As I lay down to sleep tonight please be with me. You know my thoughts Lord..if it's your will, bless me with a husband. I wanna fall in love and be the virtuous woman you want me to be. I'm letting go!! I even have butterflies in my stomach as I write this because I know you are preparing me this very second. I'm trying so hard God..Do with me what you will. I wanna shine for you and be an example to every person I encounter. I pray that I can make a difference and be an example to other single mothers. I love you Lord..make me like you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for blessing me!! In Jesus name..

by blessedbyprayer

Pray Pray

14 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Your faith and trust is strikingly beautiful. I bet any guy would feel lucky to be with you! :-)

nothings-impossible413 | on Oct 11, 2010

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