Prayer Request

Heavenly father, King of kings, I honor you, glorify you, praise You always. Please forgive me, I repent of Not seeking you deligently. I haven't attended church for the past two weeks. Please forgive me for the distraction of being depressed. I know I should look up to you for your everlasting love and grace. It's so hard when I yearn for physical touch and affection. I thought I was over my heartbreak. But I'm lonely God. Please help me and comfort me. Why are you so far from me? I can't hear you anymore. I can't feel your presence. Ever since I started to seek you and turn away from sin I know you've blessed me abundantly. But why do I miss him so much? I thought we would be happily married by now. But since I started praying You took him from me. I know I did love him more than you. Please forgive me. I idolized that relationship more than anything. Sometimes more than my daughter. It's been seven months and I'm still suffering from a broken heart. PLEASE Release ME from this pain and loneliness. Have mercy on me Father God. Please renew my mind. Purify my heart. I need you! I'm lost and confused and YOU'RE the Only one that can save me! I need your holy touch. This broken heart has to be healed. Please comfort me. Send me a God fearing loving man. If it's not your will then please take these desires away from me. I want Your will for my life so I beg you to please have mercy on me. Father God I pray for all the sick, broken hearted, depressed etc. All the people that need You father, I pray that You bless Us, and provide Us with your perfect love and mercy. In the name of Jesus AMEN!!

by Christina Flores

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