Prayer Request

God I found out that the guy I so strongly liked has a girlfriend in which I was not aware of. God I am confused because I had a feeling so strong with him I could of sworn he was sent to me by you to be the one to share my life with. I was mistaken and now need your help. I called and left a voicemail to apologize for making him uncomfortable and I was kind but now I need you to help me stop these tears and help me heal this broken heart!

by MaRy

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Walk away from him. Don't even contact him again. If the Lord sent him, he'll bend over backwards to make things right. However, I wouldn't wait around. Step forward in faith, follow the Lord, keep your eyes fixed in Jesus.

Danny | on Oct 09, 2010

He was wasn't for u the bible says that the things God gives us add no sorrow, its when we chose and it seem so good we make rself believe God gave it to us, I've been there , u r blessed I married my choice, thank God right now that u didn't get that far, that's a whole nother rhelm of pain

grateful*n*ohio | on Oct 09, 2010

Thank you so much! I am slowly but surely getting over the pain. Thank you

MaRy | on Oct 09, 2010

U r welcome sweetie, Lord we know u r a healer and u can do anything, u healed my heart, that's y I know u can heal hers and give her peace and strength and gladness that she didn't get n too deep,

grateful*n*ohio | on Oct 09, 2010

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