Prayer Request

Father in heaven,I pray for the day and evening ahead,it is an important test in this trial because I'm not going to be able to avoid mc.please father fill me with the strength,courage and words to say,I know me and mc need to talk properly,but please let it be your words and actions,and don't let me fall back,I've come so far.father I trust in you that you will guide me through this.please continue to shine your light in my path.I pray for you to continue to grow and mature me into a woman of great worth,value and inspiration,like the Proverbs 31 woman.I pray also for love,1 Cor 13.keep my head up and keep pushing me forward along your path,I will not stray from your side father this time.this is my prayer,in Jesus' name I pray.I love you Jesus,Amen x

by Caz, UK

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