Prayer Request

Hello everyone. Before I give thanks for the many blessings I've had this week, I want everyone on the east coast to be very careful while outside. The winds are picking up and there is lots of flooding. Seriously only go out if you have to. Now Thank You God a gizzillion times for looking after me while moving this week. It is an awesome feeling to know I moved a 3 bedroom to a 2 bedroom without any major blood sugar issues. Thank You for Bert, CJ, Gavin & Josh for helping with the heavy stuff. And more thanks for Guy getting a job that he's excited about. Lord, please heal Sabrina's anger at me for not getting her this weekend. The car radiator needs to be repaired and I don't have the money for it right now. I know she is angry & disappointed. So am I even though she was more excited about seeing Alisha & Katie. Well, thank You again for all the blessings. In Your Son's holy & precious name, Amen.

by 1setoffootprints

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