Prayer Request

Lord, Please help me to always seek u and not depending on my own decision which is not following Your will. Lord, help me be a wise person and not envy others. My husband is going to bible college and I'm jealous that I'm not able to join him but instead a fellow sister in Christ instead. I'm jealous that another woman is closer to my husband than myself. Lord, help me be strong and not think of the negative things. Please soften my heart. Feeling the way I am for another 9 months will not help my husband. I pray that u will keep me strong in being a helpmeet to my husband. I love you lord. Thank you for all u do and please forgive me. Amen

by LoveGod1

Pray Pray

4 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I can sympathize with your feelings and we will pray that God will give you rest from your weary thoughts.

JSmith | on Sep 30, 2010

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