Prayer Request

Dear god forgive me,I don't belong hear ,iam part of da problem,Why, o why am Ihear,please let me know in da name of my lord & savior Jesus Christ I pray amem.

by nunez

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Let Him take control...continue 2trust and believe in Him...He is mighty and will fix it..keep praying....have tru faith...(meditate on His love)

exquisite86 | on Dec 02, 2009

Let Him take control...continue 2trust and believe in Him...He is mighty and will fix it..keep praying....have tru faith...(meditate on His love)

exquisite86 | on Dec 02, 2009

Keep the faith

NEED A BLESSIN * K J B * | on Dec 02, 2009

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