Prayer Request

Dear Lord , I have lost the little bit of love I had for my husband. I feel so guilty because I know your word does not approve of divorce, but I dont know what else to do. I have tried my hardest to be patient with my husband ,but he has no care in the world about what is going on in our marriage . I feel so alone . Please Lord help me make the correct decision.

by jackie

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Jackie I am praying for you. I have had the feeling too. For me there have been ups and downs and many more downs now. I know that with God all things are possible but I wonder what I'm supposed to learn from this. I hope you find peace and freedom I God.

Tarheel | on Aug 14, 2010

Two words love dare. I've seen it work miracles in marriages. I pray it all works out and that your marriage can be centered around Jesus Christ.

Anonymous | on Aug 14, 2010

Totally praying for you guys! Satan is wanting to "destroy" familys nowadays! I pray against this destruction in Jesus name! Lord god I ask that you give these women the supernatural love from you for thier huabands that will melt thier husbands heart to fall in love with you first lord then lead thier families like you call them to!

Anonymous | on Aug 14, 2010

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