Dear jehovah I come to you thru your son jesus christ asking for forgiveness for all my sins. I do repent for the things I have done in my life. Ive came to a pitch fork in my life and I dont know which way to go. I love my kids dearly and I want the best for them, but I haven't done a good job in doing so. I think they are better off without me. Ive lost the home that I had and the woman that i thought we be together forever. I have nothing but the breathe I breath. And i dont deserve that. It even feel like I lost you jehovah. I cant keep living like this its just not healthy. I owe money too people that I cant pay back. So now I give my life and soul to you. Maybe you can make something of it cause I cant anymore. Im always angry and depressed and im tired of being that way. Please help me too be a better person, father and husband. Please help me get a job so I can provide for my family.please help me get out of this state of mind so I can give my family a better leader. Please help lord, please.. I ask for all these things in jesus name, amen
Red Romans 8:28! It's true and rand 8:35-39 and also go to YouTube and look up kathryn Scotts song called "I belong"! You'll bawl your eyes out!!!
Thank you I will.
Avssplash | on Aug 06, 2010