Prayer Request

Dear Lord U know what is best. Thank U soooo much for all of the blessings U have given me & my family recently. U take care of me in spite of myself. God i am a firm believer in "till death do us part" but God as much as i love him the verbal & emotional abuse over the past 15 years has damaged me. I would much rather deal with physical abuse. That heals. God i will always love him but i cant take anymore. Hes worse than a woman with pms! I need Ur guidance to know what to do! Im emotionally tired! U know that dear Father. Give me some sign! I love and praise U always!

by Anonymous

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Comments on this Prayer

God has not given us a spirt of fear, but of power and live and a sound mind 2timothy 1:7
proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat it's fruit
Mathew 12:36
but I say to u that for every idle world man may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement!

You can't control your husbands word, bur you can control how you respond

hope | on Jul 19, 2010

You have power in your actions his words are like knifed cutting you, but god gives you a sheild to throw up, you are strong in the lord nothing says you have to stay and listen go for awalk or say you have to much respect for him to let him dishonor you with his words and action and you will be glad to talk with him when he finds his inner control. Don't be the victim but the victor praying for you !

hope | on Jul 19, 2010

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