Prayer Request

Every one, listen, no worries! Aren't we all believers? We're going to heaven when we die! Be happy! There's no reasons to worry, mourn, or anything. And try not to live in the worlds thinking. Live in love.! We receive the full blessing. Every one, listen, Heaven! This is what it looks like and thi is just a testimony, u dn hav 2 believe it u go to the gates and a Angel comes out and sees ur name in the book of life. When u go into heaven, oh watt a wonderful site! Every one who's helped get u there is waiting for u. Cheering for u. And wen u go in there there's roads of gold but no earthly gold, almost transparent. And there's a crystal clear river running up all the way to Gods thrown. And u dn look like u wud u still hav all the facial features but no wreankles. And Mary has a dress of 1000 diamonds. And the grass even doesn't leave footprints.! The flowers sing to u. And angels and ppl r everywhere! If u want to know more comment on my prayer and ask me.

by nothing withoutGodnuthinbutasinnerwithou

Pray Pray

4 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Amen to that,heaven is what I wait for,everyday,to be with the lord,to feal his love,and love him back,but while I wait I will serve him.praise him

marine | on Jul 14, 2010

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