Prayer Request

Father God, thank you for family and friends. I ask that you guide my steps surrounding my relationships Lord. That I stand ground with my beliefs and values within my family. In doing so, that I may never offend anyone, but Lord I know some will question whether or not I trust them with certain boundaries that I have surrounding our children. Help me and my husband always be more focused on how you would like for us to bring them up and not others. I thank you for that Father. GOD my husband is off to yet another opportunity to have consistent work. I don't ever ask for us to be rich Lord, just a way for us to be able to provide a living for our family and help others. God, you know today's outcome in advance, please prepare us for either way. We are believing in You to make a way, you always do. We will stand faithfully on Your word. You are the Alpha and Omega, who has called all things in existence, let us remember that you are holding us close. Thank you Lord for blessing our friendships, I pray continuously for those who are waiting for a breakthrough, that they may draw closer to you in thee process. I love and adore You.

by faithful1

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