Prayer Request

Dear Lord, please help me. Please help me change. Please help me be a better person. You blessed me with amazing parents and I know that sometimes I don't treat them the way they deserve. Sometimes I talk back and scream at my mom. I don't want to cause her any more pain. Please. My dad works so hard for his family. He is an amazing person. He does everything to keep his family stable. The least I could do for him is be a good son. Both of my parents help me out with everything and are always there for me. They are always there to support me. Please help me change to be a better son. The son they deserve. Please help me begin college with a good start. I know I slacked off this past year in high school. It's a new start and I know that You will be there with me like You always have. You have ALWAYS been there for me. God, You are truly amazing! Please help me on my journey towards becoming a trauma surgeon. I know I have it in me. I just know it. Lord, thank You for bringing my cousin back from Afghanistan safe and sound. I knew You would bring him home. You heard my prayers. You heard my cry. You felt my tears. I love You so much God. Words cannot explain how grateful I am. Thank You so much for everything! Lord, if I ever have to deploy, please look after me and the rest of the people in my unit. Please stay by my side every second of every day. Please guide me. I know everything will be just fine. I trust You. You have ALWAYS been there for me and I know you always will. I speak these words with sincerity and from the bottom of my heart. Thank You Lord for everything. I am eternally grateful. I serve You. In Jesus's name, AMEN!

by Edward Hernandez

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