Prayer Request

Father God please forgive me for my sins and my selfish prayers. There are so many others whose crys for you are far more in need of mine. You have supplied more than me and my family need, and we selfishly take your Grace & Mercy for granted. We Love You Father God and we come to you for everything because we know YOU ARE ABLE. I'm sorry, please forgive me, and help me to always put others before myself. I cry myself to sleep over many things that I know you have already conquered down in my heart. There are many times when I am weak and have no answers for my family & friends. BUT, I know you, and I know no matter how big my problems are, YOU ARE BIGGER. I pray for those who are looking for answers and don't know you. I pray selfishly for your soon return. I realize that you tary, to give those who don't know you, or who do and turn from you, another chance to run into your arms.I pray for the sick, the poor, the abused, the abusers, the hated and the haters, the starving, the homeless, the lonely and broken-hearted, and I pray for the rich and the oppressors who hold your children down. I pray for US ALL, because we all are sinners. Thank You for your undeserving and unconditional LOVE. Please help me to be humble, teachable and obedient. I LOVE YOU GOD, I REPENT MY SINS AND RECIEVE YOUR FORGIVENESS. IN JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN

by His Life 4 Me

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer


ChristLover | on Jul 12, 2010

God listens, beautifully said. I too will pray for u.

*faith* | on Jul 12, 2010

Thank u! That was a beautiful prayer!

Hope Faith | on Jul 12, 2010

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