Prayer Request

Please pray for my husband & our marriage. He's extremely angry & unpredictable all the time. He has alot of built up anger, dont know why. He flies off at anything & takes everything i say as a personal attack.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

My husband is the same way...its like I'm on a rollercoaster...don't know when he'll snap. I'm praying for u. Ourhusbands

Anonymous | on Jul 11, 2010

Our husbands see how we act. We must learn to set good examples for them. I'll be praying for your marriage.

Anonymous | on Jul 11, 2010

Trust in the Lord with all ur heart and lean not on ur own understanding but in all ur ways acknowlegde him and he will make ur paths straight. Something I too must learn to times I want to give up but that what the devil wants. Let's fight the good fight and leave it to God :)

Anonymous | on Jul 11, 2010

Seems like marriages all over are being attached my husband moved away. We have been married for over 26
years. We all must continue to pray for all marriages. I will be praying for you.

Deb | on Jul 11, 2010

Thanks to everyone for the prayers & encouragment.

Anonymous | on Jul 11, 2010

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