Prayer Request

God please open Victor's heart. I fear this is the only reason Kayla's getting an abortion. After talking with her one on one, shes open to receiving help and keeping her baby. After hanging out with Victor and her, i realized all views had changed. God please break these mindsets OFF! God, do whatever you have to do to get her to understand the severity of this situation. I know they can do this! My husband and I did it. I was only 18, God. Shes 20! Work a miracle in this dark cloud. I will not take glory for your will. I will put at the highest of highs where you belong. I cry my heart out for stuff like this, and to only know that your heart breaks more! Just please help them God, amen.

by *Danielle*

Pray Pray

17 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Sometimes we need to step back and let people make their own decisions. Sometimes we may disagree, and other times we approve. But is the will of God yours or his? Never judge anyone for their decisions. We don't walk in their shoes, and neither do they. God does the carrying. Pray for her, but let God do the rest and be by her side whatever choice she makes. That is what makes a true friend. God be with you

nila tx, witness | on Jul 11, 2010

I will not judge her for her decision. Gods will for every baby is to have a life. Its the choices we make that leads us to sin. I'm not going to sit back willingly and watch my friend do something like that to herself. The emotional scarring is worse enough. Also Gods word says to fight for innocent lives if you know they do not deserve to die. So this is not my will, it is biblical, therefore it is Gods will.

*Danielle* | on Jul 11, 2010

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