Prayer Request

Salvation prayer: dear father God in Jesus mightey name I come humble before ur thrown. I ask u to come in to my heart lord. I love u I know u sent ur son to die on the cross for me. Forgive me of my sins. Make me who u want me to b. I praise u. I accept u as my savior and king......... I announce to u if u prayed this with all ur heart u r now a child if God. May u b blessed live long and prosper.

by nothing withoutGodnuthinbutasinnerwithou

Pray Pray

2 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

That's wonderful! I'm so glad for you!!! I know it's hard up the road. Let me encourage u by saying that in everything there is a will of God! Just search for it. He give victory to those who trust and lean on Him.

Meant4More-Taylee | on Jul 09, 2010

Wit? I already believed in Jesus, this prayer is for others

nothing withoutGodnuthinbutasinnerwithouthim | on Jul 10, 2010

................ I knew that... Ok so maybe I didn't but.... Atleast I care, right??? Lol jk srry lol %uE40D

Meant4More-Taylee | on Jul 10, 2010

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