Prayer Request

Dear lord, I ask you protect my family and I, that you help me and guide me through this current obstacle. That I not be made the bad Guy as you know I am not. That people do not try to blame me for other's mistakes, that I be released and dismissed from any wrongdoing and that I get the opportunity to be free, stress free, focused, and at peace with and always near my wife and kids. Please lord, never allow anyone or anything to separate me from my children and wife. I beg you lord and ask you with every cell in my body. Amen

by E.L.I.

Pray Pray

6 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Lord, please enter the lives of E.L.I. and his family and bless them continuously. Please Lord, remind us all that it is not the relationships here on earth that matter but the ones we will

Aimee | on Jul 08, 2010

Carry on with us to Heaven. I pray that he recieves the strength he needs to face his obsticle and to always come to You with any doubt or fear. In God's Name I pray, Amen

Aimee | on Jul 08, 2010

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