Prayer Request

Please pray for me & my wife. Lord God, why can she not give up all contact with him? Help her & give her strength to give up her affair & her cheating. Please help us heal, & completely reconcil. Help her see what she is doing is killing me inside. give us trust in each other. In Jesus name, Amen

by prayer friend

Pray Pray

18 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

U & ur wife are in my prayers! Even though I know ur struggling right now, ur situation is very encouraging 2 me! I long 4 the chance 2 reconcile w my ex husband! I know it won't be easy but I still love him & can see the godly man he's meant 2 be & how God could use us as a couple. Stay strong & continue growing into a more godly man & head of ur household & God will work on ur wife 2!

Hope Faith | on Jul 08, 2010

Our pastor just preached a sermon on that very thing! I will pray for you!

daugter of the King | on Jul 12, 2010

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