Prayer Request

Dear Gracious Father, please help us. I have major problems with my kitchen sink right now, we might have to tear out my whole kitchen wall to fix the pipes, my toilet is leaking, I have holes in my floor, and we are negative in our bank account and don't get paid for another 7 days. Father, I trust You, I know You never give us more than we can handle, but right now I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above the water. Bills keep piling up left and right. I feel so lost and lonely. I try to keep a brave happy face, I don't want my husband and parents to know how stressed I am, yet at the same time I want someone to pour my heart out to, who will understand, sympathize, and offer to make everything better for me. Lord I know that You are that someone, please bring me some peace, comfort, and answers. In Your everlasting Loving Name I pray. Amen.

by jos1:9

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