Prayer Request

Dear Lord i want to start off by asking for forgivness for all my sins and THANK YOU for another day i get to wake up and pray. My heart hurts,my mind and my body hurts and i feel so lost. My wife does not want me anymore and we have a 2 year old little boy. I feel empty inside and pain is a understatement. We seperated over a month ago and i cry every day. I cry inside even when im with my son. I pray that u save my marriage and save my wife. I love my family like i love u. Please Lord forgive me and please hear my prayer. I just want my family back. I just want my family back. Please bring back my family. IN JESUS PRECIOUS NAME. Amen

by TreeOfLife

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Comments on this Prayer

I tried to help a friend who went through a very similar situation where his wife left and took their one yr. Old daughter with. After going back an fourth and him trying desperately to repai things and save his marriage it still ended in divorce. Even though the papers are final he still struggles to move on. I told him that he did all he could but it takes two people to make something work. You can only try and give it your all. Gpd doesn't like broken marriages and divorce but not every broken marriage will God repair. I will pray He has his favor on you. And try your best.. whatevr happens please know that somewhere in the end it was for the better whether it works out or not. God always has a plan for us whether we see it or not.

Anonymous | on Jul 08, 2010

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