Prayer Request

Lord please help m understand why the delays with Luisa getting out. We thought we going to talk tomorrow for an agreement and now that has been taken away. Father I beg you because I cannot go on. My kids ask everyday for her. Lord have mercy on us,PLEASE!!! I need Your STRENGTH. prayer family I NEED your prayers so badly right now. I'm losing it all. Help me, I beg of you.

by Ed from Texas [email hidden from spammers]

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

You and Louisa and your kids belong to the Lord and the victory is His. Your family and your victory belong to God.Don't lose faith. Hang in there. It will happen. God's time, for whatever unknown reasons nous, is best. Stay strong in the word. I'm waiting too and I know how hard it is. Stay strong my brother. We are praying for you.

Father, give this family faith and vision and favor. Give them comfort and peace. Take them in your arms and love them through this rough time. Let Louisa come home Father. Let her come home to her family who waits for her.IJN. Amen.

Walking in faith | on Jul 08, 2010

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