Prayer Request

My sisters and brothers in christ. I have a big problem with this thing called life. One half of me want to be sold out for God,and build a great relationship with him because truly he have blessed me with his favor. Now the other half want to drink and party and have a good sinful time. I known what my soul wants, but my body and mind want something else. I know God is working on me because when I say or do something that's sinful I feel bad...any advice? Please help! I don't want to be lost, but I want to be one the world.

by angie

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Hey angie. I know wea yhu coming frm. I went thu sumthing like that. God does take His time to change ah person. He wants yhu to realize that drinking and partying doesn't compare to Him. I know I shudnt say this but ... go clubbing or whatever on a Friday ... rest satorday n go to church on ah Sunday. It will be apparent which one yhu prefer. I promise. In Jesus name. Amen.

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 07, 2010

Thank you!

angie | on Jul 07, 2010

Angie, just keep moving forward in Christ. Don't let the enemy trick you, the "world" has nothing to offer, it's here one second , gone the next. But what God offers is eternal!! You have to read your Word everyday! Stay involved, be in church every time the doors are open & stay in fellowship with other Christians who will encourage and speak life into you!! You may have to cut off some things in order to move forward in God!! God has a great call on your life or else the enemy wouldn't be trying to pull you back into the world. Remember, you will become like who you spend the most time with. ;-)

Dedie | on Jul 07, 2010

Ohh n keep on praying. N pouring ur heart to the lord. Seek for him even if yhu fall into sin over n over. Now don't use ah weakness as an excuse. Just pray on it and in TIME .. u will be under Gods plan for yhu. God let's us make mistakes so that we can realize HE IS THE ONE WE NEED. He is all me need .. don't push urself to stop parting right away. Allow the lord to pull it out ur system. His timing is perfect n if ur heart is in it .. it will happen.

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 07, 2010

U must CRUCIFY the flesh and carry up the cross DAILY! The flesh is soooo weak. BUT fast and PRAY and everything will be ok!

LordRestoreMe ;; [email hidden from spammers] | on Jul 08, 2010

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