Prayer Request

Thank you God for another day and always providing me with your word n love daily. I pray today that I use your love in all that I may encounter. I pray for Matthew who is seekn you Lord and that he may keep his eye n heart on you Lord. Lord I know you see his life and all the devil has done to try and destroy him but I know matt is your child and you have great plans for him. And I ask n pray that your free him from bondage of drugs, alcohol and back pain. Let him shine and give you all glory and praise to you Lord for you are a God of mircles. I pray that matt and I relastionship be healed and restored. I ask n pray that we fill our lives with nothing but you Lord in all we do. I have such a deep faith and I thank you God for all you given me.....good n bad for I wouldn't have known you if you if it weren't for you puttnam me thru my trails m tribulations. Thank u for today! Thank u for my health and it allowing me to work today and be all that u have called upon me to be today. Thank your holy name I pray Amen.

by free bird

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