Prayer Request

I kno its a sin to be gay but can people comment there opinions on being gay

by alex

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Like yhu said. There are many opinions. I don't think being gay is a sin. I believe the way someone lives their life is. For example .. if a guy or girl is gay n all they live for is their gayness n selfish needs n wants. If they life their life as is their was no God that's a sin. Same thing for worldy ppl same goes for gays. Ppl dha are too busy baggin ppl partying n just livin for themselves. Nw I do believe there can deff be gay christians as much as I believe there can be christian drunks n fornicators. Not being judgemetal.hwever the bible says the gays n drnks etc won't see the kingdom of God that's all depends on ur lifestyle. I'm gay .. n I know God very well n I feel him and know he lives in me. I have put dwn a lot of my lifestyle for the lord n have no problem in doing so. But I know what it is to be IN LOVE with another female n want her around n drop the sex as long as she keeps me company .. the lust has went away but I care for her n want her to know the lord n love the lord more than she loves me. Hw is that a sin? :)

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 06, 2010

Im a girl to, and because people tell me its a sin and it says it in the bible thwn i question but man also made the bible

alex | on Jul 06, 2010

Idk I was really confused about it at first n don't get me wrong I still do get confused just bc its such a great debate. No there isn't anything wrong with the bible. It was written under the guidence of the holy spirit n under that I believe wat is says all the way. Nw on the side ppl interpert the ppl is what messes me up.

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 06, 2010

Honestly wen it comes to the seven sins. Sex before marriage, lyin, stealing, adulaters, drunkss .. they way I interpet the bible is ppl that live a life of party n pretty much wordly. I do believe ppl fall short of the gloriy of God but homosexaulity isn't bad unless the behavior kicks in. Being gay is the same as ah boy n a girl havin a crush on each other .. nw what happens after is a whole new story. Ppl wanna go around judgin gays n I don't blame them bc homosexauls have given themselves a really bad rep. I believe since since ppl have gotton the idea of hell hammered into their heads so much over their oritation they rebelling n doin erything they shudnt be doing bc they don't know the love of god but do know wat it is being condemn by christians that think pointin out their faults n weakness instead of helping them get to know god. Ugh. I cud go on about thisss lol

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 06, 2010

Lol i struggle with it so much like i want to be with a girl but then i be like " u better think about the bible" hmph

alex | on Jul 06, 2010

Yhu shud text meee. But no hunny there is not mistakes in the bible .. I have done lots n lots n lots of reseach n it comes dwn to ah great debate no matter wht. Like I said text mee ..

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 06, 2010

Sounds like you already know that God does not want you to be bound by this. It is difficult if you were hard wired at a young age by having some of your first exposures to sex linked to the same sex. What Inve found is tha whether you are gay or just a fornicator that is straight is that, the rush/burn that you feel in your body is a high that you get addicted to. Like the rush when you first lied or snuck out at night. (Or anything else you knew was wrong) Remember the rush and excitement you felt? Well, it's kinda the same thing, only when it comes to sex, it is more powerful because of hormones. You cannot "get high"/ feel something for of the opposite sex anymore, just like a heroin addict can't get high off of a lower class off drug anymore. Thed answer is not to date and have sex with the opposite sex to fix it because it is the lust for another person that is the problem God is concerned with. Jesus said that whoever lusts after another commits adultry in their heart. The bible says that no adulterer shall enter the kingdom and later inth book of Revelation adulterer's end up in the lake of Fire after judgement day. That same burn in your heart and body parts that you feel should actually be a warning to you. There are many lies told to us about love. I found out that love does not consist of those emotional roller coasters that seem to make you feel alive. Love is consistency of respectful and loving action. Laying down your life for another like Jesus said. If Adam & Eve were separated from God's presence because they didn't believe that they would die from eatinf the fruit, and they decicded to believe God's enemy instead thencould there be a possibility that we have same choice today. Itns a tough choice. My sincerest advice is to ask the Holy Spirit toshow you the truth. You will get the best results if you consistently pray every day early before temptations and the emotions of the day get started. Before you feel guilt and shame. If you do this I'm confident you will find out waht you want to know. I hope this helps.

Anonymous | on Jul 06, 2010

Whooh i just question alot of things and my mind just plays me i do t kno but for some reason i always want a girl rather than a guy ,

alex | on Jul 06, 2010

Number n name?

alex | on Jul 06, 2010

Well I love god very strongly but im a girl an I want to change but I love women an not sure how to get pass it

tricey | on Jul 06, 2010

@ tricey. I love wen actual gay ppl comment bc no one knows what we feel or go thu. All ppl know hw to do is quote quote n qoute. These ppl don't even noe if we have a connection with the lord or not. They wan us to refrian frm things wen they can stay away frm their own sins. Let's God deal with us. I'm also gay. I think females are beautiful. Do I live for females? Heck noo.! I love God way tooo much. I love the idea the holy spirit dwells in me n I hate gieving him .. I love the relationship I have with jesus n the fact I see the lord all over. Ppl really think just bc we gay we don't see or feel good like they do. If urf not gay plez don't state ur opinion bc u don't walk in our shoes so therefor yhu don't know. Nw as for gay christians .. no bisexual but GAY .. being gay is not all about sex. There is an emotional connection .. n if two ppl can actually share love n know jesus together wats the problem. Yhu know hw manny ppl that aren't married do what we do ??? N just bc they st8 its okey to pray n talk about the lord together but s gays ppl shud avoid the topic like hello makin us chose. No way. Let jesus deal with us. N there is no gettin around ur attraction hun its there ... its part of who yhu are. Nw what yhu do with it is way different. Being in a commited lovin relationship .. isn't bad. As long as god doesn't put a conviction on yhu. Nw if ur sleeping around .. no matter is u gay or nt that's wrong. Gosh I hate judging but I don't like being knocked n but I'm happy wen godly gays stand up .. one for God n love god but they willing to admit there orienation .. instead of being a close case.

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 06, 2010

Bonding w jesus doesn't think being gay is a sin because she is gay her self but in my opinion if one truly loves & knows God Berry well he will change ur ways why dint God create two man or two women instead of a man & a women ?

Anonymous | on Jul 06, 2010

Im gay & I agree with that. . That is why I truly want to know God & for him to change me so that I can be with him when my time comes its true Why dint God create two Man or two woman

Anonymous | on Jul 06, 2010

If yhu read what I wrote I clearly said that my lust for females has gone away. And actually I rather be BY MYSELF ... than with ah man or woman. I can really careless about being with anyone. I truly love God n he is all I live for. And yea God has changed me ah whole lot. My lust for females has gone anway n I don't wan to deal with men.

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 06, 2010

I look at iht this way. If I ever come across a guy that's an ex gay n I noe his history n he bc he is human runs the risk of fallin in that again while being with me. I rather not deal with iht. Imagine marryin a gay ex man. I put a lot of thought into it .. n god created ah man n women for his first story of the bible bc why wud he put in two different stories of creation if only one was enuff. Its not like homosexual out number straights. Nw do they??

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 06, 2010

Plus I'm not even tryin to defend homosexuality bc gay have made themselves look bad. I just hate wen eh em ppl point fingers wen there's other things out there that are just as sinful, I guess.

BONDiN W JESUS. | on Jul 06, 2010

In my opinion, sin (a broken relationship with God) is a real bondage of this broken world we live in. As such, homosexuality is a real consequence that sin (a broken relationship with God) has resulted in. Just like lust etc. Judging and caring can also be received differently as a result of living in this world. Yet what can we do but rest it all to the foot of Jesus and beg for Transforming Grace to help us see things Gods way. Wholistically, Romans 8:22-25 "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of the childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." This verse comforts me each time I don't understand why things are the way it seems to be. But to cry out to God to help trust in Him to ask for strength to trust in His transforming grace is all that matters. May life be to grow in humility, dependance and obedience to our God who saves us all in Christ. God bless.

Looking up to Jesus | on Jul 07, 2010

Ps. God knows the heart, so hang in there! Just like someone may be struggling with another aspect of the law, we know that as Christians, we are no longer slaves to the law. Yet in our thankfulness to God, we can just cry out that God may transform us so that we can be pleasing God alone and to then walk in obediance in faith and not by obligation. We are all fallen of the glory of God and that is why we all need Jesus. In Christ, may God hears the prayers for the cries of the hearts of those He knows Is struggling with homosexuality and is calling out to Him this moment.

Looking up to Jesus | on Jul 07, 2010

It really is hard to resist temptation thoe & so many diff opinions on ir confuses me

Anonymous | on Jul 07, 2010

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