Prayer Request

Lord, my Heavenly Father, be with me today, I am missing my ex wife. But Lord, I would rather lift up all those who are in need, have lost thier way, looking for a job, in need of home, or have health issues. Lord, though I may be hurting, there are so many more that need Your hand, Your help, and Your love. Be with them in thier time of need, comfort them, and send Your Holy Spirit into thier lives. Thank you for you have blessed me. All these things I pray in Jesus name. Amen

by Wildcat

Pray Pray

4 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God doesn't forget his children and he loves u so much for putting others before, may the Lord give u the love and strength to keep going in life. You are God's precious treasure don't ever forget that!!

God\'s AnGel | on Jul 06, 2010

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