Prayer Request

Lord Have Mercy on Me! I Love You, You give me light life a newal, by Loving you with all my heart all my soul and all of my mind. If I have any goodness in me, its all you, the goodness of me is in my heart, that write Jesus name. Thank You My beloved Father, for everything you do, your word is powerful and trusting, Lord in Your hands I lay my life to You, and I trust in You to deliver me to good things to a good path, in obidience and trust I shall follow you, I recognize that I cant do things alone but with you in my company. Lord you know my faith and you know where I stand, I love you and at times a stray away, because I am not perfect but I sure do try to walk rightiously because I do Love You, I believe In you, I adore you, I trust in You.

by Lzrc 87

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