Prayer Request

Dear lord ,
What a day im beat i love you lord good night.

Un jesus name amen

by alex

Pray Pray

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Alex,God bless u. I been reading ur payers ,they do touch me ,question?r u hispanic ? If not is ok, just to ask u to pls. Help me pray for me , i just lost my father fisicaly, on june 25 2010 it is very painful but i do know the Lord is helping me.thanks alex for ur help


Dear lord,
you kno that i would not kno what to do with out my father lord whooh so i ask that you heal " her"/ him lord and help her/him to be strrong father god that is not easy lord and in a time like hers/him bring people around her/him to let her kno its going to be alright lord and god that her/him father is with you lord you are the only one who truly knows anyones heart and everything that goes on in there mind and heal her/him lord ao that her/him smile can be real agian and the tears are tears of joy lord and anythimg she or even he dislikes about herself-himself lord please let him or her see ur beauty as you see it help he-him r to love her self-him self just as you love her- him lord give her-him a sense of relief and rest in her heart let her-him kno that even thoe her father is gone lord her purpose in life isnt done yet ! And that you still have work for her-him here on earth lord and if i were her/him id question "why did god have to take my father why mines" we will never kno but know the lord loves you and he would never give up on you and you happiness will come put your all in the lord and never stop praying.

In jesus name heal him/her in jesus name amen

alex | on Jul 06, 2010

Her or him* i neede your name :(

white and jamaican but people say i look hispanic

alex | on Jul 06, 2010

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