Prayers to Share
Pages: | 775 | 776 | 777 | 778 | 779 | 780 | 781 | 782 | 783 | 784 | 785 | 786 | 787 | 788 | 789 | 790 | 791 | 792 | 793 | 794 | 795 | 796 | 797 | 798 | 799 | 800 | 801 | 802 | 803
15761. Please pray my mom She can’t walk or stand long enough sh... (1 prayed for this)
15762. Please pray for my situation at work I have an issue but I... (2 prayed for this)
15763. 🙏 pray speedy recovery for geri n judy (2 prayed for this)
15764. Sex frustration I can't believe shawn doesn't want me or se... (1 prayed for this)
15765. Father plz heal my son from his hernias and Ashma he wasn't... (2 prayed for this)
15766. Father go with my children and grandkids as we start our day... (0 prayed for this)
15767. Father take my sisters pain from her stomach she is in pain... (3 prayed for this)
15768. Father plz let my sister feel better plz take her pain away... (0 prayed for this)
15769. Good morning father Thank you for waking us to this beautifu... (0 prayed for this)
15770. Lord thank you for blessing me with another day. Lord please... (0 prayed for this)
15771. Heavenly Father, walk through my house and take away all wo... (0 prayed for this)
15772. There's a reason why LGBTQ people have guns because... (0 prayed for this)
15773. Christians need to pray in toungs alot Cuz when you p... (1 prayed for this)
15774. Christians need to force themselves to read the bible pr... (0 prayed for this)
15775. If you hate what the LGBTQ people are doing to the chi... (0 prayed for this)
15776. father thk u 4 everything u do n my plz give me strength (1 prayed for this)
15777. Please pray for me and all in my area sopost to get bad weat... (0 prayed for this)
15778. Father bless and protect my children and grandkids be with t... (0 prayed for this)
15780. Father bless and protect my sisters and brothers Amen (0 prayed for this)