Prayers to Share
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5481. Touch my son Heal him now In Jesus Name Amen 🙏 (1 prayed for this)
5482. Father thank you my son called me said he was feeling a litt... (1 prayed for this)
5483. Bless and protect my grandson place of business 🙏 (1 prayed for this)
5484. Let my son have a goodnight with no coughing and no pain In... (1 prayed for this)
5485. Let my son Rico have a beautiful bless day plz dont let him... (1 prayed for this)
5487. Bless and protect my daughter and grandson going and coming... (1 prayed for this)
5488. Heavenly father I come to you with another special daily pra... (1 prayed for this)
5489. Father bless and protect my children and grandkids from any... (1 prayed for this)
5491. Father go with me as I start my day Go with me as I start my... (1 prayed for this)
5492. Father go with my children and grandkids as they walk out th... (1 prayed for this)
5493. Let my son Rico have a beautiful bless day plz dont let him... (1 prayed for this)
5494. Good morning father Thank you for waking us up to this beau... (1 prayed for this)
5495. Thank you father for waking us up to this beautiful morning... (1 prayed for this)
5496. Lord, Heaven Father, I pray for a Good, Calm, Happy Peaceful... (2 prayed for this)
5497. Lord, please heal my infection. Amen. (2 prayed for this)