Prayers to Share
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4761. Bless tatum and jakob protect them keep them safe Amen πŸ™ (1 prayed for this)
4762. Plz keep all Evil away from my son keep Good people around h... (1 prayed for this)
4763. Father put your shield around my son going and coming watch... (1 prayed for this)
4764. Bless Daniel and Emily bless them and protect them keep them... (1 prayed for this)
4765. Father bless and protect my son where he is staying put your... (2 prayed for this)
4767. Father my son has Ashma and Hernia problems Im asking you fa... (1 prayed for this)
4768. Thank you God for everything you do for us πŸ™ (1 prayed for this)
4769. Heavenly father I come to you with another special prayer re... (0 prayed for this)
4770. Lord, please heal my Momma. Make her feel better. Make me... (1 prayed for this)
4771. Bless and protect my children and grandkids Be with them 24/... (0 prayed for this)
4772. Let my daughter have a bless day πŸ™ (0 prayed for this)
4774. Father put your Armor around my son keep him safe watch over... (0 prayed for this)
4775. Good morning father Thank you for waking us to this beautifu... (0 prayed for this)
4776. Thank you God Amen πŸ™ (0 prayed for this)
4777. Good morning father Thank you for an other beautiful day ble... (0 prayed for this)
4778. Go with my children and grandkids asthey start the day bless... (0 prayed for this)
4779. Lord thank you for blessing me with another day. Lord please... (0 prayed for this)
4780. Heavenly Father,Β walk through my house and take away all wo... (0 prayed for this)